When you buy a vehicle, you take responsibility for keeping it maintained. Failing to maintain your car increases your chances of experiencing an accident. An accident can increase your car insurance rates.
Failure to maintain can also cause your engine to fail. But, if your engine stops it may not mean that there's major damage. Check your engine before hauling it to an auto mechanic. That way, you can potentially avoid expensive repairs.
Make Sure You Have Enough Gas
Checking to ensure you have enough gas may seem obvious. But, many people forget to check it before calling a mechanic. Unfortunately, the stress of dealing with a car that won’t crank can prevent you from seeing the obvious. If your car fails to start as it should, make sure you have enough gas in your tank.
This is also a good time to remember to take note of any changes to your gas gauge. If this part malfunctions, you could drive unknowingly into a troublesome situation.
The Battery May Be Dead
Your battery is essential to getting your car cranked. The battery cranks the engine, allowing the engine to supply power and charge the battery. If you have a dead battery, then your car won’t start.
You can check your battery by checking the voltage of your battery using a multimeter. Experts say that a fully charged battery should register 12.6 volts or higher. If your battery registers below 11.89 volts, then it’s dead.
Before you buy a new battery, you should check to make sure your battery connectors are secure, too. While driving, turning quickly or sudden stops can shift your battery’s position. When this happens, it’s easy for your connectors to become loosened. If your battery connectors are loose, tightening them should reestablish the electrical connection. With a secure electrical connection, your car should start again.
You Have a Bad Alternator
Your alternator is the other component under the hood of your car. The alternator is also responsible for charging your car. Your alternator charges your battery when your car is on.
Unfortunately, a bad alternator can prevent your vehicle from starting. However, if you have access to your alternator, you can use your multimeter to check it too. If your vehicle’s voltage is about 14 for your alternator, then it is working properly. Any other voltage, including a higher voltage, may signal an alternator problem. Of course, if you have a bad alternator, you should contact a professional mechanic.
Sitting behind the wheel of a car that won’t start is frustrating. However, before you contact your auto mechanic, try troubleshooting your vehicle. By testing and fixing minor problems, you can save a lot of money. You can also avoid maintenance issues that can lead to an auto insurance claim.
If you need car insurance, get in touch with Fusion Insurance today. You can start an online auto insurance quote for free right now. Give us a call with any questions.